Alarming Stories III Part 2

Alarming Stories III Part 2 - Enjoy a few snippets from my book below

Customer Affair

To my utter disbelief, I uncovered yet another shocking secret involving one of my engineers. It turned out that he had engaged in an affair with one of our customers, even though he was happily married with two children. The affair had actually started during the installation of the alarm system at her home and had continued for several months thereafter. But here's where it gets even more outrageous, whenever the customer knew he was on call, she would conveniently request his services, not only for alarm maintenance but for other "personal" matters as well. 

But the story doesn't end there. It came to light that on certain occasions, this engineer would bring his wife along with him during these callouts. Imagine the awkwardness! While his unsuspecting wife patiently waited in the car outside the customer's house, completely unaware of what was really going on, the engineer would indulge in his secret rendezvous with the customer for a whole hour. 

Talk about a truly scandalous situation! It's like something out of a soap opera or a far-fetched comedy. Who would have thought that the world of alarm installations could be filled with such unexpected drama and misadventures? This tale serves as a reminder that truth is often stranger than fiction, and that human behaviour can sometimes take even the most absurd turns

Council rates collector

Around the 15th of December each year, Peter would host a delightful Christmas drinks and snacks gathering for our valued suppliers, friendly police officers, and a selection of our esteemed customers. Notably, our accountant, IT consultant, and even our bank manager would grace us with their presence. These annual meetings had attained legendary status, as we took the opportunity to express our gratitude by presenting bottles of whisky and other tokens of appreciation to those who had contributed significantly throughout the year. 

In the year 2000, being the Millennium year, the party had taken on a grander scale than ever before. Even I managed to attend, a rarity considering the usual busyness that consumed our time. Amidst the merriment and laughter, I couldn't help but notice an unfamiliar figure standing in our office space. This small man, donning a Parker coat, a beanie hat, and a rather unassuming brown suit, held a clipboard firmly in his hands. An uneasy feeling settled within me as I approached him, questioning if everything was in order. "Can I help you?" I inquired, he asked if we could spare a cup of tea and I poured him one, we sat down and he glanced at me and asked, "Are you the owner of this establishment?" I confirmed that I was one of the directors. To my surprise, he then identified himself as being from the council rating department, inquired about the ownership of the building itself, expressing his lack of records regarding its existence. With a quick wit, I responded, "This is actually our grand opening party. Would you care for a drink?".

A girl apprentice

A close friend who worked at ADT reached out to me in distress. His nineteen-year-old daughter had been unfairly dismissed from her apprenticeship program at ADT, and he implored me to provide her with an opportunity to complete her apprenticeship. Without hesitation, I gladly accepted the responsibility, recognising her potential and determination. 

True to her reputation, she proved to be an exceptional individual, unafraid to get her hands dirty while working tirelessly in crawl spaces and attic areas. However, it was her choice of attire that occasionally garnered attention. One particular incident stands out vividly in my memory. We were working on a site for Tay Homes, one of our esteemed clients, and she arrived in eye-catching bright red hot pants paired with a crop top. Needless to say, the presence of the other builders that day was somewhat compromised, as their focus seemed to shift from work to admiring her bold fashion statement. 

As we continued working together, I discovered that she had made the decision to relocate from Bradford to Cornwall with her boyfriend, who had secured a new job there. In her understanding, permission to transfer to the ADT branch in the southwest had been granted. However, it appeared that she had misunderstood the situation. When she arrived at the Cornwall branch on that fateful Monday morning, she was met with perplexed expressions and complete unawareness of her arrival. It became clear that her assumption had been incorrect, and no arrangements had been made for her transfer. This unfortunate misunderstanding led to her being deemed surplus to requirements and being promptly dismissed by the bewildered staff.

Paid in wardrobes

In a surprising turn of events, the customer proposed an alternative solution to settle their debt. They offered Peter a collection of wardrobes, an item he had no immediate need for. However, as luck would have it, I happened to be in search of wardrobes at the time. Recognising an opportunity, Peter and I embarked on a joint endeavour to make use of the customer's offer. 

Together, we carefully dismantled the wardrobes, taking apart each component with precision. In addition to the wardrobes, we also disassembled a chest of drawers that accompanied them. Once we had efficiently disassembled the furniture, we transported it to my home. 

With great enthusiasm, I dedicated myself to reassembling the wardrobes and the chest of drawers in my back bedroom. It was a gratifying experience to witness the transformation of scattered pieces into fully functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture. To my delight, the wardrobes and chest of drawers fit perfectly within the available space, enhancing the functionality and appearance of my back bedroom. 

To this day, those wardrobes and chest of drawers remain a cherished part of my home, serving as a constant reminder of the unexpected opportunities and serendipitous moments that life can present. They not only fulfil a practical purpose but also carry a story of resourcefulness and collaboration, reminding me of the importance of adaptability and making the most of unforeseen circumstances.

Allergic to smoke

On a typical Monday morning, Peter delegated tasks to our team of engineers, sending them off to various sites. Shortly after, Rose received a distressing phone call from one of our customers who was expecting an installation that morning. The customer, Mrs. Winters, sounded highly upset and struggled to articulate her concerns. Desperate for assistance, her first plea was for someone to be removed from her house immediately. Perplexed, Rose asked if there were intruders present and if the police should be contacted. Mrs. Winters responded with a resolute "no" and repeated her plea to have someone removed from her home. 

Curiosity piqued, Rose inquired about the identity of the person causing distress, and Mrs. Winters confirmed that it was the engineer assigned to complete the installation. Confused by the situation, Rose asked for clarification on the issue at hand. In an anxious tone, Mrs. Winters revealed that she was highly allergic to smoke and the presence of the engineer, who evidently smelled of smoke, had triggered severe physical reactions. She described experiencing multiple episodes of vomiting, hives breaking out all over her body, and a general redness in her complexion.

Philip Wilkinson

I am currently the owner and Managing Director  of a security devices distribution company. Online Security Products Limited. We offer a range of parts, everything from CCTV to Door Entry, Access Control and Intruder. 

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